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Next Generation Fashion Retailers
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Next Generation Fashion Retailers Postmark has given us the opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream of owning a Boutique, Without Poshmark, we never would have been able to pay our unexpected medical bills, take vacations or save for retirement. Poshmark helped us launch our own Fashion Brand | Moda Me Couture®
Featured in Forbes | Moda Me Couture
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Featured In Forbes | Moda Me Couture Friendship, compassion, business. They may not be words you normally combine but a Millennial couple from Portland is changing that. Love and money can be tricky and the statistics prove it with 30% of couples having a disagreement about money at least once a month. And it gets worse with entrepreneurship. Divorce lawyers estimate that the entrepreneur divorce rate is 5% to 10% higher than marriages without entrepreneurship as a factor. Click to read the rest of the article Featured in Forbes | Moda Me Couture®